The Arran Hills: Many Shades of Grey
Certain to get
your heart racing and your knees trembling, Arran’s exciting mountains take your breath away. Whilst Munro-Baggers
may whizz up the M74 without turning left, missing out the Arran hills because of their lack of a few metres is a bit
like getting married without the wedding night.
So what makes the
Arran hills so seductive?
1. A magnificent profile: from all approaches, the distinctive
mountain skyline of Arran commands your gaze, with its soaring peaks
and pinnacles. The towering east ridge of Caisteal Abhail is known as the Sleeping
Warrior- see the photo. (He’s wearing a helmet and he has a firm chin!)
2. In a vigorous embrace: Arran is only ten miles wide so wherever you are, you’re
never far from the encircling presence of the waves. From the summits, you can
get 360 degree sea views- to Northern Ireland, the Kintyre peninsula, the Paps
of Jura, Mull, the Arrochar Alps, Cowal, Bute, Ayrshire and Galloway.
No boring introductions: you won’t find long walk-ins on Arran. Unless you keep going in circles round the coast,
the only way is up, but taking things one step at a time you’ll be amazed at
the height you can achieve in a relatively short time. The apparently vertical
climb up Cioch na h-Oighe is a good example of this- it’s still a walker’s
route though a head for heights and sure-footedness will help.
5. Hands-on experiences: once you’re on the ridges you won’t be
able to resist some exciting hands-on scrambling on the satisfyingly rough-textured tors of pale grey granite.
An untamed character: whilst the Gulf Stream caresses Arran with warm currents making palm trees flourish round
its coastline, the mountain tops are survivors of fierce battles with Atlantic
weather. Apart from Goat Fell, the hills of Arran are uncrowded and perfect for walks on the wild
A fascinating past: walks on Arran reveal hints of the ancestors in ancient cairns, stone circles and the remains of prehistoric
hill forts. The echoes of Viking rule are in the names of the coastal
8. Beautiful creatures: Arran’s most famous wild creatures just happen to be
very good looking ones too: there are the pure-blooded, elegant red deer for
example, as well as majestic golden eagles, tufty-eared red squirrels and lithe,
playful otters to select but a few.
9. Fulfilling: Arran walks are adventurous and the end of adventure
satisfaction factor as you enjoy your meal in one of Arran’s independent restaurants is off the scale
overwhelmingly good.
10. Enduring and elemental: Arran enjoys worldwide celebrity status in geology circles
for its amazing rocks. The island represents a coming together on a titanic
scale of highland and lowland. The mountains themselves burst into being as an
exploding volcano. Today, the hills are
a rocky heaven with pebbles, boulders, outcrops and crags in every imaginable
and lovely shade of grey.
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