Monday, 1 October 2018
Sunday, 16 September 2018
From 12 holes to 9 to 18 then 9 again: Lochranza Golf
Course’s Layouts 1898-2018
History has come full circle at Lochranza Golf Course this year with the return of Pablo Moran to his green-keeping beginnings. Pablo first came to the village from Peru in 1963 aged 17 when he was unable to speak English. He remembers how he cried for a month with homesickness. Thankfully for golf on the island it did not get the better of him.
At that time the
village had long had a golf course on land situated in the head of the glen, owned
by the Arran Estate. The first recorded golf course at Lochranza was opened on
the 6th June 1899 – an era that would come to be regarded as the heyday
of Arran golf due to burgeoning tourism around the Clyde. Many of Arran’s golf
courses originated at this time: between 1903 and 1914 there were 11 golf
courses on the island. The SWRI’s book ‘History of the Villages of the Isle of
Arran’ reports that ‘the people (of Lochranza) opened a golf course, a new club
house and new bridges over the burn for the benefit of golfers’.
The original golf
course at Lochranza had 12 holes. The father and grandfather of Mr. Iain
Robertson, dedicated golfer and owner of the golf course from 1988 to 2009, played
this original layout on annual summer holidays. The course layout at that time
did not include the Butt Field or the Sea Field. Instead, it stretched up the
steep hillside to the south-east towards Narachan. An old tee from that time
remains in the bracken below Broombank road end and is visible in the winter
months. That tee played downhill to a green to the west of the big sycamore
tree stump which would later become part of the campsite. Mr Robertson thinks
it possible that the golf course at that time also extended upstream towards
Ballarie Farm.
During the Second World War the golf course was used for commando training. Traces of hut circles on the 1st and 9th fairways can still be discerned as well as a raised bank which may have been a rifle range. The Stags Pavilion became a base for the commandos. After the war, a 9 hole layout, completely different to today’s, was created. The area of the course included the present-day campsite field and the field that now contains the pond. Mr. Robertson remembers that a farmer from Catacol, whose sheep sometimes strayed to Lochranza, used to mow the fairways with the gang mowers on his tractor. The tees from this post-war 9 hole layout, now disused, remain around the golf course. When Mrs Ruby McAllister took over the golf course and campsite in 1963 the club house became a tearoom and shop.
The eighties saw a
resurgence of the popularity of golf due to televised major competitions. When
Mr.Robertson bought the golf course and campsite in 1988 he planned an
ambitious new 18 hole layout. He negotiated with Mr. Charles Fforde, the
landowner, and Mr.Sandy Sloss, the farmer, to acquire the Butt Field and Sea
Field areas with the provision that the sheep could have sheltered grazing
through the lambing period in April. This system remains in place today. The
18 hole layout designed by Mr. Robertson and his father included double tees
and greens and a number of other new features, including the pond on the 7th
hole, other water hazards and long doglegs. The 18 hole layout at par 70
presented the longest course on the island. The layout was designed to
maximise appreciation of the beautiful scenic views as golfers walked the
Nigel and myself took
over the golf course and campsite lease in 2009. A meeting of members in 2010
in the Stags Pavilion, led to a vote in favour of returning the course to a 9
hole layout and with their help we set about the changes in 2011. Essentially,
today’s 9 holes are based on Mr. Robertson’s 18 hole layout.
Now back in Pablo’s
care, 55 years on from when he first set foot on Lochranza’s fairways, the
course, framed by the majestic hills, continues to be enjoyed by stalwart local
supporters and visitors alike.
My information for this blog came from:
Mr. Iain Robertson, Lochranza Golf owner
Golf on Arran by James Henderson,
published by Voice for Arran 2016
of the Villages of the Isle of Arran by SWRI Arran Federation revised in
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Old Way
‘Everyone spoke about going over the Boguille.’ (The Place-Names of Arran by Ian A.
The Boguille is a Gaelic name for the upper part of the
road between Glen Chalmadale and North Sannox. It is derived from ‘boglach’
which means marshy ground. (The ‘bo’ part rhymes with Joe and the ‘guille’ part
rhymes with Billy.) Chalmadale comes from Old Norse, the tongue of the Vikings,
and means Hjalmund’s Dale. Hjalmund must have decided that this deep glen,
sheltered from the north wind, was a desirable place to settle- and who
One afternoon recently I got dropped off at the top of
the Boguille (204m). This is the watershed where burns begin flowing in
opposite directions. I turned my back on the always- arresting view of the
Sleeping Warrior (the ridge between Suidhe Fheargas and Caisteal Abhail), in
order to walk the old way into Lochranza which descends on the opposite side of
the burn from the road. It is clearly marked on the Ordnance Survey Explorer
map but not always easy to detect on the tussocky high ground. As I tripped and
stumbled through the long, spiky deer grass, I was rewarded by the fluttering
of many vivid vermilion and deep brown Scotch Argus butterflies ahead of me.
With trousers firmly tucked in my socks to avoid ticks in
these haunts of the red deer herds, I descended gently. The path is crossed at
intervals by rills and rivulets which splash down to the burn, Chalmadale
Waters. Arran is a mountainous island and (normally) a wet island, so its
tumbling burns and waterfalls are plentiful and are wee microcosms of
biodiversity and charm.
Along the track I noticed evidence of old road construction
in the form of rock slabs. Around the sheep-nibbled grass yellow tormentil
flowers twinkled starrily and filmy pale blue harebells nodded. Meadow pipits
flitted through the whins and stonechats chattered (as they do!) It is a bonny
route, away from road traffic, with the view down to Glen Farm lying ahead.
Once at the bottom of the track you come to farm buildings and a ford from
where the path rises again past Glen Farm and traverses the hillside to
Narachan before descending to the head of the loch by Lochranza Golf Course.
The walk took me little more than an hour and on an
August afternoon I passed not a soul.
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Desperately Seeking Hutton’s
Where IS
Hutton’s Unconformity? A question we are often asked and one that is not easy
to answer because, to the untrained eye, the rocks which comprise the unconformity
don’t appear to be much different to the rest of the gnarled, grey, sea-bitten
rocks that edge Arran’s northern coastline.
The issue of
whether Hutton’s should be marked by a sign has been the subject of much discussion.
Many think a sign would look intrusive in such a natural landscape. Many others
believe that some kind of interpretation is vital if visitors are to fully appreciate
the significance of the site. In fact, James Hutton himself is the remarkable
ingredient in the story. In 1787, a time when Christendom believed the world
was created in 4004 BC, Hutton, a lively and inquisitive man, farmer and
soil-improver, came to Arran, looked at the formation of the rocks and
recognised that the Earth must be much older than prevailing wisdom asserted.
applied modern scientific methods and reasoning to comprehension of the Earth’s
history. Walking along the coast towards the Cock of Arran, he observed that
younger sedimentary layers of sandstone lay above older Dalradian schists: this
is the unconformity. He deduced that titanic processes of erosion and
sedimentation, of uplift and great heat, must have created the world over long
periods of time. His discovery made him come to be regarded as the father of
modern geology although initially he faced outrage and accusations of blasphemy
from some members of the church.
How to Find the Unconformity
From Newton
Point (GR 931515) follow the Coastal Way. At first the path crosses grass then
rocky ground. It’s about 1km to Hutton’s Unconformity.
Look up to
your right for a long tree-filled fissure that makes a vertical line down the
hillside. Hutton’s Unconformity is in line with this, in the rocks by the sea.
you come to a stone slab bridging a ditch (GR 936521). Stop here, don’t take
the right turn of the path inland. Hutton’s Unconformity is on the sea side of
the stone slab bridge. Look out for the two types of rock lying adjacent to
each other, despite belonging to different geological ages. Notice how they
slope at different angles.
A fun, educational way to learn about
the local geology is to visit Lochranza Centre and do their geocaching trail (
I also recommend purchasing ‘Arran: Landscapes in Stone’ by Alan McKirdy, £7.99
from the Book and Card Shop in Brodick.‘The Arran Naturalist’, commemorative
edition, £3.00, is also of interest if geology captures your imagination. It
contains an excellent article about Arthropleura, a 2m long millipede, whose
footprints from 300 million years ago remain clearly visible on rocks near
Laggan. We sell this booklet in reception. You can also find out more about
Arran geology at Arran Heritage Museum, Brodick.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Round Arran On
Cloud Nine
Friday 8th
June 2018
On almost any
day of the year there is sure to be someone circumnavigating Arran. They may be walking the Coastal Way, negotiating
the road’s ups-and-downs by bike, car or bus, or perhaps paddling a kayak. One bright morning recently we decided to see
how long it would take to circumnavigate the island on Cloud Nine, a 6.3 metre
RiB, anti-clockwise and sticking to a steady 18 knots.
We leave Lochranza
pontoon on a high tide having enjoyed breakfast at the Sandwich Station.
Pulling out into the choppy waves and invigorating breeze of the Kilbrannan Sound
we turn south-west, passing Catacol’s white cottages tucked like toy houses under
the bulky rounded hills of the north-west of the island. If we see any floating
plastic, we lean over the side and pick it up.
From a sea
level point-of-view you can truly appreciate what a mountainous island Arran
is, with its settlements squeezed onto narrow shelves of flat land. You also
realise how there is a great deal of impenetrable terrain on the island, with
steep rocky wooded cliffs tumbling into the sea, so steep in fact that it makes
you wonder however anyone ever imagined a road round the edge might be possible. You also realise that this is an
entirely lovely island and scenic from whichever degree you look at it from.
You would not
choose a RiB ride for comfort- it can be jarring and you are exposed to the
weather- but RiBs are strong and stable
on the water. It is best, even on a hot day, to wear warm protective gear
because hypothermia sneaks up on you unawares. A hat or cap and sunglasses are
essential. In colder weather we wear immersion suits.
Reaching the
point where the Kilbrannan Sound opens out into the North Channel the sun is
rising higher and sunlight flashes off the waves. The new distillery stands
high on the island’s south-west corner . Northern Ireland is a misty line on
the horizon, the surprising pyramid of Ailsa Craig ahead. Whenever I see this
giant rock, it is always rising eerily out of the mist. The gannets are diving.
When you want
to make landfall, a RiB needs a sandy sloping beach to pull upon or a pontoon. Arriving in sheltered Lamlash Bay we pull up
beside the harbour wall but need to keep a close eye on the boat due to the falling
tide. We couldn’t possibly pass the Old Pier Tearoom without calling in though.
Then it’s back
to Lochranza Pontoon where we started. The boat will need a hose down.
Our circumnavigation was 100km in length and
the journey took us three and a half hours.
Sunday, 17 June 2018
Wild Flowers of Arran
Long, cold winters can have a silver lining: ice and
frost delay the growth of bracken giving wildflowers a longer window of
opportunity to bloom in spring. Some of these plants have shared the earth’s
history for a very long time. Did you know that the common horsetail grass
existed 400 million years ago? I know it now from joining in the Arran Natural
History Society’s Wildflower Identification Walk with enthusiastic and very
knowledgeable guide Sarah Cowan in lovely Glen Rosa. Sarah began the walk by
informing us that she had identified more than three hundred species of plant
just in our immediate vicinity.
Sarah’s sharp eyes picked out many wee species
flourishing quietly in hidden places. In the past, most of our ancestors would
have known the names and properties of a wide array of plants because they had
uses. Sarah informed us how bracken was actually encouraged in order to make
potash for whitening linen, as well as stuffing bedding and making glass. Ribwort plantain was rubbed on the
skin to be a midge repellent and fragrant valerian was used as an aid to sleep.
Bog myrtle still makes a delicious but highly intoxicating beer whilst ling
heather can be a great pan scrubber. Distinguishing your heathers can help you
keep your feet dry on a hill walk because bright bell heather’s roots form a
mat which stops you sinking into bog.
It is always surprising to learn how much the wild
landscapes of Britain and their ecology have been influenced by human beings.
Sarah told us that the widespread hawthorn was, surprisingly, not native to
Arran but introduced at the time of the 18th century enclosures as a
means to demarcate land. Brambles and rosehips are likely to be found growing
where cottage gardens used to be, as well as hazel for building. Nettles nearly
always flag up a place where humans have been active in the past.
To appreciate the beauty and variety of wildflowers you
have to look closely and attentively. Apparently, in the Gaelic some grass
names are described as grey and blue, not green as you might expect. On looking
closer, we agreed that some of the grass stems had a grey-blue sheen, begging
the question does language respond to what we perceive or is what we perceive
determined by language?
As our short walk neared its end we all came to a
standstill at the sight of a flowering creamy Scottish burnet rose spreading
over the banks of the burn. Sarah said it had not flowered since 1994 and must
have benefited from the cold winter and warm, dry spring. Nearby, deep blue
milkwort, bright pink lousewort and sky-blue germander speedwell were bright
splashes in the grass attracting the pollinators as well as the insect-eating
butterwort and delicate heath spotted orchids. All this natural treasure on a
slow stroll of a few hundred metres!
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