Cir Mhor: The Great Crest
I saw stars for
the first time since early May this week; the time of the never-truly-dark
nights has passed for another year. After July’s heat, mornings are fresher and
hillwalking has become appealing again.
Why do so many people
climb Goat Fell and so few venture on any of Arran’s other mountains? Okay, it’s the highest peak, but
not by many metres. Maybe it’s because it’s got a pronounceable name. Whatever
the reason, one of the joys of Arran walking in this world of shrinking lonely places, is
that, apart from the group you’re with, you can usually have an Arran hill all to yourself.
The other day the route that Will and I took was up Glen
Sannox, over Cir Mhor (799m) and Caisteal Abhail (The Castles 859m), onto Sail
an Im, then down Gleann Easan Biorach to Lochranza- a route about 15km long
with 1000m climbing. From the start of the walk Cir Mhor, the Great Crest,
confronts you majestically from the head of the glen looking like a child’s
drawing of a mountain: a perfect pyramid.
This walk starts at
the bus stop at GR 016454. Whenever I am driving back from Brodick to Lochranza
the view at this point into Glen Sannox is a –well, shock. The fearsome ridges
on each side of the glen look like they might swallow pretty Corrie golf course
whole. A well constructed and discreet path takes you almost to the top of Cir
Mhor. The path exists thanks to the hard labour and expertise of Scott Murdoch
of Lochranza and his team of pathmakers, commissioned by the National Trust of
Scotland. It is no mean feat to make a helpful path up such steep and rocky
hillsides. Some hands-on scrambling is needed to ascend a gully close to the
top of the Saddle and again to reach Cir Mhor’s summit.
My favourite
moment when climbing Cir Mhor comes close to the top as you turn a corner round
a boulder and find yourself in a corridor of rocky granite towers with dizzy
drops to the valley floor. Surrounded by great grey bulky shapes you feel as if
you are moving through a herd of sleeping elephants. Q. What’s the point of
climbing mountains? A. For special moments like these.
Whilst eating our
sandwiches we watched fierce showers blowing in from the west and as we
continued up to The Castles one blew onto us. Stopping for a quick rest we
found ourselves having that common British mountain experience whereby, in
thick cloud, all boulders look the same and so do all paths down. The trouble
is that paths close together on mountain tops can end up in valleys that are
many miles apart. It was time to dig the compass out of my rucksack. Whenever
you need a compass it is sure to be cold and wet, with the wind snatching your
map and rain dripping off your eyebrows. The direction of travel arrow can often
seem to point you to a direction you weren’t expecting but you know you have to
trust it rather than your instinct. It will be right.
As the cloud
raced away and we saw Lochranza a long way down and a long way off we knew we
were on the right path for Sail an Im. From here we headed down boulder strewn
slopes into boggy Gleann Easan with its many waterfalls. The photo shows Will
having found a particularly wet bit. Golden spires of bog asphodel, fluffy
tufts of bog cotton and clumps of purple heather made it all a delightful bog.
Being at the end
of a hard day’s hillwalking is one of my best feelings in the world. It’s the inner and
outer glow factor. If you decide to do this walk, don’t forget that if you get
back down to Lochranza by 5pm, the additional warming pleasures of the Arran
Distillery await you.
Caisteal Abhail also features in my June 2012
blog: Castles in the Air